Order your boxes with a one-time payment through ClassWallet HERE!
Please click HERE for Indiana orders!

Purchase your Landmark Kids subscription boxes using your Educational Savings Account (ESA)
Simply select your plan below!

Box shipping in March: ENGLAND
Next box shipping in April: PERU


Free Shipping

Country of the Month

$33.00 (includes shipping)


$33.00 / box

BEST VALUE (1).png__PID:35787e47-437b-4265-b251-95a88fc054ca

Free Shipping

3 Month Prepay

$96.00 (includes shipping)

Save $1 per month.

$32.00 / box


Free Shipping

6 Month Prepay

$186.00 (includes shipping)

10% Off

$31.00 / box

BEST VALUE.png__PID:95fe3578-7e47-437b-b265-725195a88fc0

Free Shipping

12 Month Prepay

$360.00 (includes shipping)

Includes FREE Box

$30.00 / box

We are a qualified vendor in the following state ESAs - Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, New Hampshire, North Carolina, West Virginia, Utah, Arkansasand New York.

For help with placing ESA orders outside of ClassWallet or to recommend us as a vendor for your ESA, charter school or homeschool network please email us at

Free Shipping

Shipping in the continental US is always included.

Cancel Anytime

No commitment—cancel online anytime.

Happiness Guaranteed

Your happiness is our happiness. Love it, or we’ll make it right.